Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1 Thessalonians 1:2-6

Your Work of Faith, Labour of Love, and Patience of Hope

Paul fave thanks to God for the Thessalonians as he remembered their work of faith, labour of love, and pationce of hope (3;cp. 5:8). Let us think aobut the way in which these graces were displayed in the lives of those early Christians:
  • Your work of faith - Christianity was not a theory to them, but a living faith in the Lord jesus Christ. This faith was apparent to all by the work it produced in their lives. their work of faith may here refer especially to their faithfulness in sounding forth the gospel in the midst in good works, it is dead (james 2:17,26)
  • Labour of love - John Eadie in his commentary on the Greek text writes about the Greek word for 'labour' - 'Kopos is earnest and toilsome service, into which the whole heart is thrown, travail of soul, often self-denial and exhaustion. The noun kopos comprises all the kindness of all shapes, in the doing of which it spares no pains and grdges no sacrifice.' What motivates such sacrificial toil? Wholehearted love for the Lord Jesus Christ and his people.
  • Patience of hope -  'Patience' can also be translated 'endurance' or 'perseverance'. they persevered in their work for God despite the persecution that raged against them! They were not quitters! Their faith and hope was not in men but in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Those Thessalonian Christians were aware that their service was in the sight of our God and Father. They knew that the Lord was lovingly wathching over them and caring for them. Their vigorous faith puts many of us to shame. Does your pastor have good reason to be able to thanks God for your 'work of faith, labour of love, and patience of hope?'

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